Interacting with the map¶
The map supports pan, zoom, rotate, and tilt gestures. Each of these can be enabled or disabled individually:
gestureSettings =
isTiltGesturesEnabled = true,
isZoomGesturesEnabled = true, // (1)!
isRotateGesturesEnabled = true,
isScrollGesturesEnabled = true,
- Includes pinch, double-tap, and double-tap-and-drag.
We provide Material 3 alternatives to the default ornaments. See the Material 3 extensions section for more information.
Ornaments are built in UI elements that are displayed on the map, such as a compass or attribution button. They're implemented by the underlying MapLibre SDK, so may render differently on different platforms. You can control the visibility and position of these ornaments:
ornamentSettings =
padding = PaddingValues(0.dp), // (1)!
isLogoEnabled = true, // (2)!
logoAlignment = Alignment.BottomStart, // (3)!
isAttributionEnabled = true, // (4)!
attributionAlignment = Alignment.BottomEnd,
isCompassEnabled = true, // (5)!
compassAlignment = Alignment.TopEnd,
isScaleBarEnabled = true, // (6)!
scaleBarAlignment = Alignment.TopStart,
- Insets the ornaments; useful if you have an edge-to-edge map or some UI elements that cover part of the map.
- Displays a MapLibre logo
- Possible alignments are constrained by the underlying SDK. The four corners are supported across platforms.
- Displays attribution defined in the map style.
- Displays a compass control when the map is rotated away from north.
- Displays a scale control showing the distance represented by the map's zoom level.
If you want to read or mutate the camera state, use rememberCameraState()
. You
can use this to set the start position of the map:
val camera =
firstPosition =
CameraPosition(target = Position(latitude = 45.521, longitude = -122.675), zoom = 13.0)
MaplibreMap(cameraState = camera)
You can now use the camera
reference to move the camera. For example,
exposes a suspend fun animateTo
to animate the camera to a new
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
finalPosition =
camera.position.copy(target = Position(latitude = 47.607, longitude = -122.342)),
duration = 3.seconds,
Click listeners¶
You can listen for clicks on the map. Given a click location, you can use camera state to query which features are present at that location:
cameraState = camera,
onMapClick = { pos, offset ->
val features = camera.queryRenderedFeatures(offset)
if (features.isNotEmpty()) {
println("Clicked on ${features[0].json()}")
ClickResult.Consume // (1)!
} else {
onMapLongClick = { pos, offset ->
println("Long click at $pos")
- Consumes the click event, preventing it from propagating to the individual layers' click listeners.