Package-level declarations
Contains Material 3 based controls for the map, as an alternative to the default map ornaments.
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fun AttributionButton(styleState: StyleState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, colors: IconButtonColors = IconButtonDefaults.iconButtonColors(), contentDescription: String = "Attribution")
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fun CompassButton(cameraState: CameraState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit = {}, colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.elevatedButtonColors(), contentDescription: String = "Compass")
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fun DisappearingCompassButton(cameraState: CameraState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit = {}, colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.elevatedButtonColors(), contentDescription: String = "Compass", visibilityDuration: Duration = 1.seconds, enterTransition: EnterTransition = fadeIn(), exitTransition: ExitTransition = fadeOut())
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fun DisappearingScaleBar(cameraState: CameraState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, width: Dp = ScaleBarDefaults.width, height: Dp = ScaleBarDefaults.height, colors: ScaleBarColors = ScaleBarDefaults.colors(), visibilityDuration: Duration = 3.seconds, enterTransition: EnterTransition = fadeIn(), exitTransition: ExitTransition = fadeOut())
An animated scale bar that appears when the zoom level of the map changes, and then disappears after visibilityDuration. This composable wraps ScaleBar with visibility animations.
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fun ScaleBar(cameraState: CameraState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, width: Dp = ScaleBarDefaults.width, height: Dp = ScaleBarDefaults.height, colors: ScaleBarColors = ScaleBarDefaults.colors())
A scale bar composable that shows the current scale of the map in feet and meters when zoomed in to the map, changing to miles and kilometers, respectively, when zooming out.