Package-level declarations
The interfaces and enums defining the type system for MapLibre expressions.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a list value (corresponds to a JSON array) of alternating types.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a true or false value. See const.
Orientation of circles when the map is pitched.
Scaling behavior of circles when the map is pitched.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a collator object for use in locale-dependent comparison operations. See collator.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a Color value. See const.
Union type for an Expression that resolves to a value that can be ordered with other values of its type. See gt, lt, gte, and lte.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a 2D floating point offset in device-independent pixels (DpOffset). See offset.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to an absolute (layout direction unaware) padding applied along the edges inside a box (PaddingValues.Absolute). See const.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to device-independent pixels (Dp). See const.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to an enum string. See const.
Represents an Expression that resolves to a value that can be compared for equality. See eq and neq.
The type of value resolved from an expression, as returned by type.
Represents a value that an Expression can resolve to. Many of these types are never actually instantiated at runtime; they're only used as type parameters to hint at the type of an Expression.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a 2D floating point offset without a particular unit. (Offset). See offset.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a dimensionless quantity. See const.
Represents and Expression that resolves to a value that can be an input to format.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a formatted string. See format.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a geometry object.
Type of a GeoJson feature, as returned by Feature.type.
Orientation of icon when map is pitched.
In combination with SymbolPlacement, determines the rotation behavior of icons.
Scales the icon to fit around the associated text.
Direction of light source when map is rotated.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to an image. See image
Union type for an Expression that resolves to a value that can be interpolated. See interpolate.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to an interpolation type. See linear, exponential, and cubicBezier.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to an integer dimensionless quantity. See const.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a list value (corresponds to a JSON array). See const.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a map value (corresponds to a JSON object). See const.
Union type for an Expression that resolves to a value that can be matched. See switch.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to an amount of time with millisecond precision (Duration). See const.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a numeric quantity. Corresponds to numbers in the JSON style spec. Use const to create a literal NumberValue.
Represents an ExpressionValue that reoslves to a 2D vector in some unit.
The resampling/interpolation method to use for overscaling, also known as texture magnification filter
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a string value. See const.
Part of the icon/text placed closest to the anchor.
Controls whether to show an icon/text when it overlaps other symbols on the map.
Symbol placement relative to its geometry.
Determines whether overlapping symbols in the same layer are rendered in the order that they appear in the data source or by their y-position relative to the viewport. To control the order and prioritization of symbols otherwise, use sortKey
Text justification options.
Orientation of text when map is pitched.
In combination with SymbolPlacement, determines the rotation behavior of the individual glyphs forming the text.
Specifies how to capitalize text, similar to the CSS text-transform property.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a 2D floating point offset in scalable pixels or em (TextUnit). See offset.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to scalable pixels or em (TextUnit). See const.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to an alternating list of SymbolAnchor and FloatOffsetValue.
How the text will be laid out.
Frame of reference for offsetting geometry.
Represents an ExpressionValue that resolves to a list of numbers.